Want to become a Sponsor or Bring Wholexpo to your city? Drop us a line.
WHOLEXPO focuses on activity-based education to enable whole (comprehensive) and conscious mindsets and lifestyles. Our goal is to provide hands-on experience in human health and wellbeing, natural healing, off-the grid and sovereign practices, growing food and organic permaculture, wholistic education for children and adults, and best sourcing for food and beauty products.
WHOLEXPO connects human health and planetary health as two codependent factors. The main aspects of the event include cohesive education (talks, seminars, conferences) on self-care, active action on medical freedom, natural detoxification and cellular regeneration, meditation and stress reduction as well as emotional, mental, and spiritual health and wellbeing.
WHOLEXPO brings together food growers and seed keepers with families, health professionals, media, students, scientists, activists, networkers, investors, brands, organizations, and the general public into one single event. It is our goal to create a strong alliance and act together as one force, while fighting for our food, our seeds, and the right to grow our own.
A Whole in one!
– Un Todo En Uno –
Through informative and innovating sessions WHOLEXPO focuses on demystifying concepts of optimal human nutrition, lifestyle, and wellbeing, as well as providing education, empowerment and clear calls to action for ethical and environmental sustainability.
Whole Food
GMO Free
Plastic Free
WHOLEXPO's Main Events
– Eventos Principales de WHOLEXPO –


Would you like to partner up, collaborate, join or sponsor a Wholexpo event? Drop us a line.
Wholexpo 2018

The first international WHOLEXPO took event in Bogotá, Colombia, South America. The 3-day event gathered more than 5000 people including children, families, teachers, entrepreneurs, farmers, doctors, coaches, experts, businesses and farmers markets. Take a look at what happened at Wholexpo Bogotá.
Speakers included T. Colin Campbell, PhD., Torre Washington, Michele Lastella, Antonio Soler, MD., Margarita Restrepo, Diana Esguerra, MD., and Claudia Diaz among others.
Be Part of Wholexpo
We are looking for sponsors, partners, and collaborations that want to help further the message of human and planetary sustainability through plants. Drop a line and let us know how you would like to participate.
Speak, Educate or Volunteer!
Earn free access to all of WHOLEXPO’s talks and activities, make new friends, and help us pioneer the new standard for plant-based, sustainable, vegan, and conscious events.